Creating a Presentation with LaTeX Beamer – Using Overlays

August 25th, 2010

Overlays can be used in a LaTeX beamer presentation to reveal parts of a slide sequentially, which can be a useful way of imparting information to your audience. There are a number of different ways that overlays can be created depending on the sophistication required in the presentation.

Fast Tube by Casper

The \pause command is the easiest way to create simple overlays that reveal consecutive parts of a slide.

\item Total Runs Scored.
\item Number of Innings Batted.
\item Number of Not Out Innings.
\item Number of 100s.
\item Number of 50s.

Commands such as <1-> can be added after various beamer environments to allow them to appear on different slides of the overlay set to provide greater control over the display.

\begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \\ \hline
Opposition & Match & Inns & Runs & NO & Inns & Wicket & Catches \\ \hline
\onslide<2-> Australia & 36 & 49 & 1673 & 2 & 66 & 148 & 57 \\
\onslide<3-> India & 14 & 16 & 1201 & 0 & 23 & 59 & 14 \\
\onslide<4-> New Zealand & 15 & 22 & 846 & 2 & 28 & 64 & 14 \\
\onslide<5-> Pakistan & 14 & 20 & 647 & 1 & 18 & 40 & 14 \\
\onslide<6-> Sri Lanka & 3 & 3 & 41 & 0 & 6 & 11 & 2 \\
\onslide<7-> West Indies & 20 & 37 & 792 & 1 & 27 & 61 & 19 \\ \hline

The \onslide command is used to indicate a range of slides in the overlay where the information on that line should be displayed.

There are ways to create more complicated overlays to reveal information on a slide.

Other useful resources are provided on the Supplementary Material page.

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