In a previous post we have looked at opening and closing connections from R to a MySQL database and some basic operations for creating and deleting tables. In this post we will consider using SQL queries to extract parts of a table from the database based on different search criteria. Read the rest of this entry »
Using SQL to Access Data in MySQL Databases
July 28th, 2009Using R to Access Data in a MySQL database
July 24th, 2009The R import/export manual discusses various approaches to handling data and mentions that R is not suitable for working with large data sets because data objects are stored in memory during a session. There are situations where using a database to hold the data and making use of one of the R libraries for database connectivity to access the data or to save the data. Read the rest of this entry »
Book Review – Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R by Deepayan Sarkar (Springer 2008)
July 19th, 2009[amazonshowcase_d70c7b600ca8b4964397b97932ca0cd7]
This book by Deepayan Sarkar, who is the author of the lattice package for R, provides an introduction to this implementation of the trellis graphics system followed up with a large range of examples of frequently used graphics. The book is divided into three parts starting with the basics leading into taking greater control of the graphics systems and finishing with a brief discussion of extending the lattice library. Read the rest of this entry »